Here are some questions from the Study Guide to consider as you read the pages for Session 2:
1. When you consider where we are today as a society, do you think the world needs Christianity more or less than it did a hundred years ago? What are the signs that support your view?
2. How are you influenced by the philosophies of individualism, hedonism, and minimalism? Give examples.
3. In Chapter Three the author quotes, “The desire for God is written on the human heart . . .” (Catechism of the Catholic Church). In what ways do you yearn for God?
4. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? Is he friend, mentor, coach, savior, spiritual director, role model, distant God, or historical figure? Where do you see opportunities for this relationship to grow?
5. How does embracing Catholicism as a way of life make you a-better-version-of-yourself?
6. In Chapter Five the author discusses the identity crisis that we are struggling with as a Church. If your life were put under a microscope, would there be sufficient evidence to convince a jury of your peers that you were truly Catholic? What would that evidence be?
My face-to-face group just finished session 3 and reading about some saints really moved us. These saints were real people with real lives and real struggles and they 'just' committed themselves to God. These are the stories we need to read and to teach our kids. It is humbling and encouraging to realize I can strive for this holiness every day. I won't be perfect but it is a journey of an entire lifetime and I can strive for holiness each day.